Thursday, 21 September 2017

The Alley of Dreams

In the streets of manipulations,
simplest questions
unanswered in the virtual dimensions,
found no directions.

Monkeys all the way
slaying each other in the name
of so called glory of success,
with ugly evil smiles
or with beautiful deception.

Some shed tears of joy
while some others remain annoyed,
for those who drown
and for those who rise above.

Hearts and brains are sidelined
and devils spirits rule.
Are they lost or are they confused?
Looking at what they do,
Angels mourn them too.

Walking alone in those streets,
Running tired through the pathway, 
Dark and dusted,
Happiness busted
Singing the requiem,
They call it The Alley of Dreams !

Friday, 1 September 2017

Until One Day

She did really never knew
All the pieces of my conscience,
All these moment of despair
And in this darkness,
I believed she would never let go,
She would stay by my side.

I wouldn't stop the thoughts of her,
Like my guiding light,
Taking my pleasures and pain away,
All the while she was like,
Alone star in my dying Universe,
I believed she would never let go,
She would stay by my side.

Guarded secrets of my life,
She was the one with the keys,
Holding a gun, there was she,
I thought, Like protecting her child,
Like a drop in an entire ocean,
But the filled me completely,
I believed she would never let go,
She would stay by my side.

Until One Day,
She killed me and my dreams of her,
Until One Day,
Mocked my love and my misery,
Until One Day,
Locked me down my secrets,
Locked me in those memories.

Until One day,
She watched me wither, she watched me burn,
Until One day,
Left me nothing, not even part of me,
Until One Day,
Drowned me in my pains,
Drowned me in my feelings.

Until One Day,
I stopped being there,
Until One Day,
I chose not to care, not to stare,
Until One Day,
I never looked backed,
Never been the same.

Until One Day
There was no right time,
Until One Day,
I waited no more,
Until One Day,
I never looked for the clues,
I never longed to be with her.

Until One Day,
I went back to my shadows,
I went back to my darkness,
I waited for a new day,
I still do,

Until One Day ! ! !

Only If

How would things turn out? If we were going down the path of immaterial gains, You and I, Work a little more, Or understand a little too les...